Round Table Table

Concept Explanation

Round Table Table

Round Table Conferences :;-The three Round Table Conferences of 1930–1932 were a series of peace conferences organized by the British Government and Indian political personalities to discuss constitutional reforms in India. These started in November 1930 and ended in December 1932. They were conducted as per the recommendation of Jinnah to Viceroy Lord Irwin and Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, and by the report submitted by the Simon Commission in May 1930. Demands for Swaraj, or self-rule, in India had been growing increasingly strong. B. R. Ambedkar, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, V. S. Srinivasa Sastri, Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan, K. T. Paul and Mirabehn are key participants from India. By the 1930s, many British politicians believed that India needed to move towards dominion status. However, there were significant disagreements between the Indian and the British political parties that the Conferences would not resolve. The key topic was about constitution and India which was mainly discussed in that conference. There were three Round Table Conferences from 1930 to 1932

  • First Round Table Conference (1930): It was the first conference arranged between the British and Indians as Equals . It was held on 12th November , 1930 in London to discuss Simon commission but postponed to 2 January , 1931 in the absence of any major political Party .
  • The Gandhi-Irwin Pact (1931) : While the Civil Disobedience Movement was in full swing, the First Round Table Conference to discuss the recommendations of the Simon Commission-was convened in London in November 1930. The Congress boycotted the conference. The British government realized  that without the participation of the Congress, no decision could be taken on further constitutional reforms in India.
  • The Second Round Table Conference (1931) : Mahatma Gandhi was deputed as the sole representative of the Congress at the Second Round Table Conference that was held at the end of 1931. The Muslim League was represented by Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Gandhi forcefully put forth the nationalist demand for independence and the immediate grant of dominion status to India. The British government refused and Gandhi returned disillusioned and disappointed.on Gandhiji"s arrival in Bombay the Congress working committe decided to Resume the civil disobedience Movement . In 1932 INC was Declared an illegal organisation and all its Leaders were arrrested . Gandhiji was sent to The Yervada jail in Poona. 
  • Third Round Table Conference : -The third and last session assembled on November 17, 1932. Only forty-six delegates attended since most of the main political figures of India were not present. The Labour Party from Britain and the Indian National Congress refused to attend.From September 1931 until March 1933, under the supervision of the Secretary of State for India, Sir Samuel Hoare, the proposed reforms took the form reflected in the Government of India Act 1935.

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